Organizing Committee

Keio University

Seiichiro Ogawa


Born in Shinjuku, Tokyo in 1937
Graduated from Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Keio University
Joined Teijin Ltd.
Granted a Ph.D. in Engineering from Keio University Graduate School of Engineering
Research associate at University of Illinois, USA
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Scholar at Technische Hochschule
Darmstadt, Germany
Professor, Faculty of Science and Technolgy, Keio University


Professor Emeritus of Keio University
Advisor, Enviromental Protection Association of Private Universities

 Seiichiro Ogawa

Joint research that produes results is always supported by the close interaction of participating researchers

I was born in downtown Shinjuku when the nation-wide reconstruction had almost finished some 10 years after the Great Kanto Earthquake. I was the eldest to a thread and cotton store owner located in Oiwake across from Isetan. When I was in the 1st grade, the war got serious and children started evacuation to avoid the US' air laid. I fled to my mother home in Adachi-ku, which at the time was the rural district, and stayed there until the war ended. My parents had wanted the eldest son to take over the store, but I went to college instead even though my desires to be an architec ot graphic designer were out of sync with my parent's wishes. Nevertheless, after getting over some longings of youth, I somehow happened to find myself on a path to organic chemistry course at Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Keio University.
I began to study the preparative work on amino sugars related to aminoglycoside antibiotic Kanamycins, a theme I came up with running into Profs. Umezawa and Suami. This whole time I have been working in chemical synthesis of biologically active compounds: aminodeoxy derivatives of inositols, analogues of antibiotics, sugar mimics carbasugars, and so on. The studies have been specialized in polyhydroxycyclopentane and hexane compounds, namely, cyclitols being closely related myo-inositol.
Personally I would like to consider about development for straight-up uses of high purity inositol and ferulic acid. At the symposium, I would like to see what kind of processings aimed at enhancing functionality has been carried out so far and if it is nearing an ideal and stable platform. Particularly with regards to ferulic acid, I want to see how its biochemical and biological importance is properly evaluated in the world.
Successful joint research is always realized by a close friendship among participating researchers. I am hoping that this symposium could serve as an opportunity to link the broad knowledge accumulated by everyone interested in rice and share them with younger successors.

Hobbies: I am currently involved myself with playing recorder and softball,taking photographs, and painting with watercolor.Recently I become interested in chorus (Chor Maier) and making stone-seals.
In Wakayama: Mt. Koya is really very impressive Buddhist temples to visit. I will never forget the delicious kue (grouper) I had with Wakayama Castle for the backgroud .