Information for Chairs and Speakers /
Instruction for Poster Presentation

Updated:November 19, 2018

Result of Abstract Review

Thank you for submitting your abstract for ISRGH2018.
We have reviewed all submitted abstracts carefully and now pleased to announce the results.
*We also announce the results to all speakers by the email with the subject of “ISRGH2018: Abstract Status and Confirmation”.
* Please note that the presentation type may change from their original choices.

Presentation Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations

The Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology

Authors of ISRGH2018 are required to submit original papers to the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (JNSV). We are pleased to announce that ISRGH2018 designed the new guideline for the Journal.
Please download the guideline and check the deadline and more.
*Submission Deadline: 31st Dec. 2018
Submit to secretary email address:

*What is the JNSV?

For more information about the journal, please contact “”.